
Canadian mapThe time is now to apply for your cannabis pardon through Impact Pardons . The Parole Board of Canada (PBC) rolled out (no pun intended) their Cannabis record suspension (CRS), 1 August, 2019. Three persons have already come to Impact Pardons to begin the process.

The CRS starts with digital fingerprints sent from Impact Pardons to the RCMP. That’s done in about 5 minutes for $75, (all taxes in). Results from the RCMP will be returned to you in about 7 to 10 business days. Check to ensure all your simple possession of cannabis convictions, are included. Then, get your Local Police Records Check(s) (LPRC) and if the LPRCs indicate the same information the digital fingerprint results show and you are not a current or past member of the Canadian Forces, you need not bother with steps 3 or 4. As there are only 5 steps to a CRS, that means completing 1 more step and you’re done.

The process gets a little complicated when the LPRC must come from a distance. IPP has been doing regular pardons for almost 20 years for people all across Canada and some from overseas and we have learned over the years. Get the benefit of working with an agency that can put previous experience to work for you.

You may have questions. All Cannabis rs clients printed thus far had questions and any hic-up we couldn’t get through simply by referencing the step-by-step instructions was quickly sorted with a simple conference call to PBC; right then and there.

You need to start your application with digital prints so let Impact Pardons become your starting point as you pursue you Cannabis Record Suspension or Pardon Application.